Average teen? No pressure, right? Wrong.

Sitting around at 12:30 AM, personally, my favorite time to write as it is free of distractions. I was picking my brain apart trying to think of something, anything to write about. Then it hit me, from all the pressure of thinking of what to write about, I decided to write about pressure. People tend to foolishly assume that teens these days have no pressure, that their life is undemanding and effortless. They could not get anymore wrong. Teens at present times have to deal with heaps of pressure coming from everywhere, from parents, to friends and even the future. The life of a modern day teen is anything but easy.

Pressure, stress or anxiety towards teens comes in many forms like parents. The folks give us pressure by comparing us to our friends, comparing grades between friends, they really do need to realize that we are our own individuals, but I suppose that if they solemnly do it for the better, then it is acceptable, but as always, to a certain extent. Peer pressure is the direct influence of a social group in the encouraging of a person to change his or her own views, beliefs or personalities, in order to conform to norms. This is austere because it takes away one of the most important thing about a person, their individuality. But what maybe more dangerous is the influence that some hold over others, which may cause them to drink or do drugs, just to feel accepted. And that kind of pressure is just devastating. Perhaps the most insermountable obstacle, is the on that is inevitable. The future, the life that both parents and school try to prepare us for. The fact that we are going to live unaided by our parents, that we have to survive by ourselves is perhaps what teens fear the most, and it is bound to happen.

Pressure within teens is inescapable, while some may play instruments to escape it, and others draw, it is important to have some form of stress relief or it could lead to serious medical problems. The fact of the matter is, stress is inevitable, and the sooner we deal with it, the better.

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