
In just a few short days, students around the world will embark upon one of the most important test of their teen years. Their IGCSE’s. Years worth of studying will come to one final month or so where students realize that time of the essence and that every formula or definition is of the utmost importance. In all truthfulness, it might be.  But some people take these exams all too seriously, when they should be calm, collected with the right mindset for it, they are instead panicking and stressing out.

Everyone wants to achieve their dream report card (all A*s, undoubtedly), and to do so, all they would needed to have done was pay attention in class from the beginning the course and not try to cram it all up in the last week. Students have ‘sessions’ that last for days without sleep, but they need to realize that staying up late does not help, it does the opposite, it burns them out, what’s worse than sleeping during an exam? =P A composed, rested mind is the most essential thing to acing an exam, plenty of sleep is an absolute must.

These exams are important and their significance should never be understated, while failing them might not be the end of life as we know it, it just means life is just that much harder =) Ace the exams, get into a good college, get a good job, have a happy life, every teens dream right? With the right grades, anything (realistic) is possible, any university one would want to go to, any job one might want to apply for, get the A’s and you get what you want.

Some people take exams too seriously and it can lead to self harm or even suicide, yes it has happened. Students need to take the exams for what they are, exams, not life itself. If they fail them, it’s not the end of the world, resits were invented for a reason and you could always take the exam at a later session, when you’re ready for it. All students need to do is pay attentions and not shove everything down their own throats in one day, let me put it like this, if you don’t eat for a year and then get all the food you want at the end, does it help? No.

Big thank you to Benedickte for the idea for the article.

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